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  • Katherine Alano

BCF prepares to celebrate International Chefs Day

Every October, chefs from across the world come together to inspire and educate the next generation about the joys of cooking, healthy eating, and the importance of sustainability.

On 20 October, the BCF will be joining the chef community to celebrate International Chefs Day.

This year’s campaign for International Chefs Day is “Growing Great Chefs.”

The “Growing Great Chefs” campaign promises to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a love for cooking among children from all walks of life. By sharing the joys of the culinary profession, Nestle Professional and Worldchefs hope to leave a lasting impact on young hearts, nurturing the potential of future culinary leaders.


Over the years, the BCF have been proud to participate in the day with workshops, mentorships and educational sessions.

We look forward to seeing your events to celebrate International Chefs Day!

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